Monday, April 18, 2011

Environmental Expo 2011

On April 12, 13, and 14, DEQ held its annual Environmental Expo over at The American Memorial Park. The Micronesia Challenge had its own booth which was set up and ran by myself (David), and Kid. It was a fun experience for both Kid and I, as we got to talk to 4th and 5th grade students from around the island on what the Micronesia Challenge is. We explained to them what the goals of the challenge were, and made them think as a group what some ways of conservation were. After that, we made them play a game that involved spinning a wheel. Every student wanted to spin the wheel, but only three per class was allowed to. We asked them questions on Marine and Land resources, as well “who am I” questions. In the end, they were all winners and got to pick some prizes.

We both were amazed of how bright and interested each student was. Here are some pictures of us in action at the Expo. Enjoy!

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