In the Red Room

Early one morning when I finally found the entrance to KKMP, I walked through the doors past the reggae themed walls only to find myself alone. Where am I to go? Which door do I open? Then Mr. Joe limes more commonly known as Uncle Joe on the air, pops out of the studio and kindly invited me in. So there I was in the famous "Red Room" greeted by Gary Sword and Rosemond Santos who usually does the morning shows. I thought to myself, Wow! This is the kind of studio I would love to have one day for future musical ventures. I was told to grab a seat and slap on some headphones and that's when I realized, hundreds maybe even thousands of people could be listening right now! I broke a sweat thinking about something clever to say, waiting anxiously for that introduction by Gary or Rosemond. Luckily, it wasn't time yet, but at least I got a feel for the radio now. We took a short break for introductions and we jumped right into it. My heart was pounding, I could just feel the listeners, and before you know it we were off. I went on about what is the Micronesia Challenge and the projects that I've been working on. Out of the blue, Lisa Eller pops in; my internship supervisor/mentor. Yes! She is going to be on the air with me. She put on headphones, and listened carefully to catch anything controversial I might blurt out. Although she didn't speak on air, she gave me the support and confidence just being there. Before I knew it, My face was dry, my heart was calm, and we were back again on I and I airwaves!!! Click title to listen
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